Branding a company that merges the analytical and the emotional.
branding | rebranding | typography | research
The purpose of this project was to rebrand an existing finance company. The owner was looking for something that comes across as knowlegeable and trusting, yet comforting and feminine. Typically in the finance world, there is a lot of jargon used that can make the environment feel cold or corporate. However, the goal was to embrace the human-ness of interactions with other people and their finances.
Strong, yet feminine.
Mood Board 01 The Act of Transmutation
Playful | Clean | Abstract | Scientific
AlcheMoney - Scientists
The act of transmutation captures the beauty of change over a period of time. By embracing science and approachability, users remain optimistic that AlcheMoney will help them to understand finance - down to a science.
Scientific, experimental, confident yet bold.
Feels clean, approachable, and stable. Sounds like classical or a live orchestra.
Mood Board 02 Art Nouveau Meets Art Deco
Playful, Detailed, Humanist, Geometric
AlcheMoney - Mediators
Art Nouveau meets Art Deco explores the complexities of symbols that create a beautiful outcome. As alchemy aims to turn lead into gold, finance is something deemed intimidating - AlcheMoney can help!
Precise, sturdy, welcoming yet fearless.
Feels exciting modern and charming. Sounds like jazz or the blues
Mood Board 03 Geometric Psychology
Geometric | Technical | Stable | Trustworthy
AlcheMoney - Builders
Geometric Psychology merges the analytical and psychological approach to finance. By comparing structures of finance to that of the mind, AlcheMoney creates a safe space for learning based on a client’s behavior.
Innovative, sturdy, direct, yet inviting.
Feels dependable, lasting, and a bit quirky
Sounds like rock or folk rock